A concerned woman was distressed upon hearing her daughter crying during a phone call where a man claimed to have kidnapped the girl and demanded a r…
Parity symmetry violation detected in the orientation of galactic formations could explain the abundance of matter. For generations, physicists were …
In the quest to unravel the mysteries of the universe, one enigma continues to captivate our imagination: the absence of communication with extraterr…
Ancient Egypt , China and Mesopotamia are all frequently cited as long-lasting civilizations, enduring for thousands of years. But which of these soc…
Over a period of 70 years, thousands of stars have vanished from the sky; Which prompted a team of astronomers to shed light on this phenomenon .. a…
A new search for extraterrestrial life aims to find out by listening for radio pulses from the center of our galaxy. Narrow-frequency pulses are n…
Erik W Lentz , an astrophysicist from the University of Göttingen, Germany, proposed a theoretical solution to create Warp Engines , which will allow…
In 1960, Freeman Dyson proposed how advanced civilizations could create megastructures that enclosed their system, allowing them to harness all of t…
Astronomers have discovered hundreds of hidden supermassive black holes lurking in the universe — and there may be billions or even trillions more ou…